Healthy Snacks for the Road

by KidTripster Staff

How to snack healthy while traveling with your family.

We’re a family that loves to travel. Sometimes we partake in adventures close to home and other adventures take us to the other side of the globe. Regardless of where we’re traveling or how long it takes to get there, one thing remains the same … we need to eat. Specifically food that’s tasty, that will hold us over and, of course, food that’s easy to transport. (Yes, for less mess!) 

My goal is always to have a plan in place to eat foods that will keep us satisfied and energized. Packing snacks and planning meals is always an extra “to do” when I’m truly just trying to make sure everyone has enough underwear for the week! 

But when it’s all said and done, the trips where we’ve packed snacks and take-a-long food options ahead have been seamless. Here are a few ideas and tips to get your family started. (Yep, get the whole family involved in helping!)  

Pack ahead

Carve out some time a day prior to departure to pack your snacks. I promise, even if you are factoring in a food stop, having a handful of snacks on hand will go a long way. While there are plenty of food options available at every gas station and fast food chain, these foods tend to be more expensive and less nutritious.

Packing a handful of healthy options ahead of time can save you money and ensure you’re fueling up with foods that will keep you energized for longer. (And I’m not just talking about the kiddos! No hangry parents please.) 

What to Pack

Trail Mixes: We love DIY trail mixes. You can easily package up containers or small bags with your favorite combos of dried fruit, chocolate chips, nuts, grains, popcorn… the options are endless. You can get ideas from this cool infographic and who knows, the kids might even want to create their own leaving you more time to pack. 

Energy Bites: Another fave in our house! I like to do a combo of peanut butter or sunbutter with oatmeal, dried fruit and chocolate chips. We combine everything, refrigerate for about an hour and then create ball shapes to easily store in small containers. There’s no cooking involved! These keep the kids full and energized and seem to keep moodiness away. This is a fun one to make together. Here’s a favorite recipe of ours

Portable Fruits & Veggies: There are lots of easily portable fruits and veggies. Most of these items  should be kept in a small cooler. We love to bring along grapes, baby carrots, any kind of berry, bananas and sliced cucumbers. Pre-packaged fresh produce items like apples, sliced sweet peppers or combo packs like carrots and ranch or apples and peanut butter can be found at most local grocery stores. 

Wraps: If sandwiches seem like a mess waiting to happen. Try wrapping up your favorite sandwich combo in a wrap and then slicing into bite size sushi looking rolls. These are simple to make and easy to transport. 


Water is a must! I always make sure my kids have full water bottles in their cup holders or backpacks. Sugary drinks mean more frequent bathroom breaks so stick to water when you can. If you want to add some extra flavor to your water without the sugar, try adding sliced lemon, citrus or even a slice of cucumber. 

Food Safety 

Make sure to pack refrigerated snacks in an insulated container with a few ice packs to ensure they remain at the right temperature until you’re ready to eat.

Amanda Keefer is a mom and travel junkie having worked in the travel industry for 10 years and jumping at the chance to explore destinations near and far. She can be found at Produce for Kids developing recipes and hosting The Healthy Family Project podcast. The perfect marriage of food and travel! 

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